Damilola Taylor Trust Launches its Leadership and Conflict Resolution Skills Training Programme
The Damilola Taylor Trust believes that good academic attainment, non-delinquent peers and caring supportive parents and adults can critically shape outcomes for young people during their journey into adult live.
With nearly 17 years’ experience of working with young people, we know that low achievement, unequal access to opportunities and inadequate support for youths in inner cities precipitate a vicious cycle of social isolation and a pathway to a life of crime and gang membership.
Early intervention aimed at identifying groups who might be at risk of involvement in violent crime and providing them with programmes that help build self-confidence, character and ability to engage positively with society is therefore imperative. With the recent increases in knife crime, gun crime and homicide in London, the need for urgent, community driven action to respond proactively to the problem could not be greater. This has reinforced our commitment and involvement to implement initiatives to provide vulnerable young people with the skills and resilience they need to lead productive lives free from violence.
We are therefore pleased to announce delivery of our Early Intervention; Leadership and Conflict Resolution Skills programme at Park Campus Academy, a co-educational, secondary Alternative Educational School for students aged 11 to 16 in West Norwood, London.
The programme, which will run for four weeks from Friday 27 April 2018, led by our delivery partner The Good Samaritan Foundation, is designed to improve the basic skills of participants and to develop a good number to become peer mentors, helping other young people.
Students in Year 9 or 10 that are at risk of anti-social behaviour will have the opportunity to learn basic personal and social skills, participate in action based activities, exploring concepts of conflict resolution and personal leadership.
Young people reached will be exposed to new ways of thinking and non-violent ways of dealing with conflict, including the right and confidence to say ‘no’.
Richard Taylor Founder and trustee of DTT said, “The trustees and I are delighted to be bringing this programme to vulnerable young people in the community so that they can acquire skills to improve their own decision making, enhance understanding of their own self-worth and responsibility for their lives.
We are grateful for the senior management of Park Campus Academy for agreeing to work with us on this important initiative. We are thankful to our funders the Children In Need, Home Office and The Bite Pieces Charity for enabling us implement this programme”.
The Park Campus Academy is looking forward to working in partnership with the Damilola Taylor Trust in supporting our students in making positive life choices.
Pupils attending the Park Campus Academy have a number of different challenges and often face barriers to learning. The work of the Damilola Taylor Trust and the Early Intervention, Leadership and Conflict Resolution skills programme will provide students with some additional pastoral care and tailored support, and give students further opportunities to fulfil their potential.
The Damilola Taylor Trust was established in 2001 to provide inner-city youths with opportunities to play, learn and live their lives free of fear and violence. It has launched projects to keep young people off the streets and provide them with improved life chances.