Our Vision
For every young person to have the opportunity to live their lives free of fear and violence, fulfilling their potential so that they can face the future with confidence and optimism.
Our Aim
To restore the hope, optimism and self-esteem of young people in London so that they can:
Lead healthy lives
Stay in school
Grow up to become independent productive adults
Have lofty aspirations and work to attain their innate potential
Our Beliefs
We believe:
Every child has a talent, which can be supported and encouraged by a caring, supportive environment
Activities related to the arts and the imagination can provide young people with a creative outlet and expose them to ways of expressing their ideas and emotions that they cannot express in language alone
In establishing a relationship between young people (especially young men) and a trusted adult, so that empathy and healthy attachment can be fostered between young people and their senior peers or older adults
Through understanding the context of emotional hurt and recognition of children’s vulnerabilities, it is appropriate to respond to challenging behaviour with empathy and loving care, without the attribution of blame
In adopting a partnership approach that allows collaboration with the community, media, and other charities and institutions to expand the charity’s work. This enables us to reach groups of young people from educationally and socially disadvantaged backgrounds who might not otherwise have the confidence to have aspirations and the belief that they can achieve them