Hope 2020 campaign off to a flying start

The Hope 2020 campaign is off to a flying start with the first of a series of events starting today (1 December 2020). The events are taking place online over the next week, building up to the National Day of Hope on Monday 7 December, which would have been Damilola Taylor’s birthday.

Today, the #ShareYourHope challenge on Instagram is encouraging people to post an image of something that brings them hope or inspires them, tagging their friends to do the same using #ShareYourHope. The aim is to get as many people as possible involved, sharing their hopes.

At 5.00pm, you can then join members of The National Lottery Community Fund's YPIL team online for a session on 'Youth Voice is our Hope'.Other events lined up  include a 'In conversation with Oliver Bonas on wellbeing', 'Youth led change for equality', 'How to COVID-proof your future' and 'All children to thrive'.

The week will end with the Day of Hope Panel chaired by KISS FM's Swarzy during which the Hope 2020 Youth Advisory Group and special guests will talk about their hopes, inspirations and how young people can use their skills and passions to bring about change in society.

To find out more including how to register for the online sessions, please visit the Hope 2020 website.


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