Career Pathway Programme for Schools
This ambitious programme supports 120 students who are at risk or have engaged with criminal activity, encouraging them to fully engage in education and reach their full potential.
Through workshops and career mentor support, the Career Pathway Programme for Schools addresses barriers to positive engagement and progression. Pupils develop resilience, motivation and confidence to advance through education and beyond into positive career pathways.
Delivered over 15 weeks, this 3-year programme is funded by the Mayor’s Young Londoners Fund and equips young people with the tools and mindset to make positive choices and re-engage with learning.
The young people learn how to set realistic goals and they also receive mentoring from positive role models who offer guidance and emotional support.
The course consists of:
Workshops to build mental toughness
Basic skills development (including personal skills, social skills, self-management, social mobility, presentation skills and creative expression)
A group mentoring programme covering study skills, self-control, stress and anger management, and career opportunities
1ntereviews, phone support for parents and close working with teachers to ensure aligned support
The programme was launched in early 2020 with 2 cohorts of 20 students from Harris Academies. It will be rolled out to 4 other schools in the next 2 years.
Please get in touch to find out more about this programme by clicking on the button below.